Registration: Access to MFNO Web Services

Registering for Access to MFNO Website Based Services
(Job Board, eLearning)


You cannot apply for jobs on our board unless you are MFNO registered.


Step 1 - Register for Access Click on the USER drop-down menu and select MFNO Member Registration  1 Register
Complete the necessary fields. At the bottom, be sure to select 'JOBSEEKER' as your profile role. 2 Jobseeker
 Once your registration is submitted, you will be emailed a confirmation link. Click this link. 
Inform your MFNO assigned Mentor you have registered to have your account quickly approved.  You will not have access until your account is approved by MFNO. This can happen quickly if you let us know you registered. Otherwise it takes about 24 hours.
Step 2 - Login
 Once your account is approved, proceed to login. There are two methods to login,
1) Directly to the job board, or
2) To the website in general - both turn on full access for you
 Directly to Job Board --> 3 Jobseeker

1) Select the Refugee drop down menu, and click 'Job Seeker Login'

2) You'll be presented with the Jobseeker portal, click the login button in upper right corner (2). You'll then be in your Jobseeker portal and can continue to the next lesson of building a resume and applying for jobs. 

 Website Direct Login --> 4 Website Direct
    Click on the USER icon drop-down menu and select 'Login/out' to login.




Mentor Family Network Organization (MFNO). A federally registered charitable organization (732632203 RR0001) whose team is dedicated to providing aid and assistance and settlement services for refugees and those seeking asylum in Canada.

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