An Example Process of Settling in Canada With MFNO
Desire to Come
1. Interest in Coming to Canada
Research where to go.
Chosen Canada and looked at possibilities of where in Canada.
Desire to Come
Obtain Paperwork
2. Apply for Canadian Passport and Visa
Depending on where you are, you'll find the local Canadian Embassy and begin the process to obtain the necessary documents to come to Canada.
Register for Support in Canada
3. Reach out and Register with the Mentor Family Network Organization (MFNO)
MFNO will receive and review your application for support in Canada.
Applications are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. You do not need to know your arrival date yet, and it's best to start this registration right away.
Once registered, you can begin taking MFNO online learning about the area of your arrival even before you get here!
Register for Support in Canada
Preparing to Travel to Canada
4. Documents Obtained - Preparing to Travel to Canada
Once you are ready to arrive with documents in hand, this is where we start to take action.
Talk to MFNO about your arrival BEFORE you book travel to help ensure there is availability to accommodate your arrival.
MFNO Prepares to Receive
5. MFNO Prepares to Receive You
MFNO will be busy matching the needs of your incoming family for temporary accommodations, schools, employment, aid and supplies. MFNO will coordinate with you the best arrival date based on our collaborative and availability discussions.
MFNO Prepares to Receive
6. Travel to Canada
MFNO will facilitate your arrival, meet and greet at the airport, and ensure you have essentials upon your immediate arrival.
Canadian Registration
7. Canadian Registrations
MFNO will have assigned you and your family a Mentor to assist in the settlement process. This Mentor, possibly in conjunction with your host, will help make sure in the first few days your essential Canadian Government registrations are completed. This can include SIN, Health Card, etc.
Canadian Registration
Temporary Accommodation
7. Temporary Accommodation Setup
MFNO will have prearranged temporary accommodation for the first few weeks. From here we'll work with you for employment opportunities, school registrations, day care etc. This accommodation will be your home for the first few weeks to months in Canada.
8. Independence
Once suitable and stable employment has been confirmed. The movement to independent living can be finalized. This includes obtaining your own housing or accommodations, transportation, etc. MFNO services are almost at their completion as you begin your new independent life in Canada.