Partnering with MFNO has its Benefits

MFNO’s Partner Program is an empowering complement to your organization's management strategy as it increases your efficiency, and networking for greater effect, and helps guarantee that required reporting and data tracking is kept.

Becoming a partner provides your organization with a cost-effective way to gain maximum efficiency within the refugee management sector. 

Through the program, participating partners have access to MFNOs Settlement  Management System (SMS) tools, resources on MFNO web site to encourage easy and direct submissions, and the ability to redirect or refer to other participating partners with a simple click.

Types of Partners

Settlement Partners focus on family temporary accommodations and mentorship through to family independent living.

  • Family applications received are processed through MFNO online application process
  • Partner has access to MFNO RMS and performs or assists in family management.
  • Partner is to assist in and contribute to fundraising in order to help maintain systems and services.
  • MFNO and partner are expected to share resources and information as it relates to the safe and healthy settlement process through to independence.
  • MFNO can develop charitable funding 'buckets' targeted at specific partner services where all funding designated for that specific purpose goes to that purpose only.

MFNO Settlement Management System (SMS)

The MFNO Settlement Management System (SMS) is designed to be a single NATIONAL interconnected system linking all aspects of settlement so that tracking can be interrelated and tracked for the greatest knowledge and reporting.

MFNO SMS is fully SSL encrypted for secure online access, has many different levels of security included but limited to:

  • Partner Administrator
  • Provincial Manager
  • Specific Case Manager or Family Manager
  • Stock Only Managers and Volunteers
  • Mentor Access

Tell me what kind of things in the settlement process can you track and how are they related?

  1. Temporary Accommodation
    1. Owner/Company information
    2. All accommodation specifications to allow proper refugee family matching and assignment
    3. Document tracking including vulnerable sector checks
    4. Pending reservations and scheduling of accommodation ReservationScheduling
  2. Refugee Family Management
    1. Refugees can directly submit applications for process directly online through the MFNO application portal
    2. Partnering settlement organizations can immediately have access to the application and management of it through to the independence of the family
    3. Family accommodation matching geomapped for quick lookup and filteringGromapped
    4. Full documentation tracking
    5. Date driven journalling and notes tracking for case management
    6. Settlement plan development and progress tracker
    7. Expenses and items given tracking and recording
  3. Volunteer Management
    1. Register and track all details about volunteers
    2. Training, documents, availability
    3. Time tracking of volunteer hours
  4. Employment Job Board and Tracking
    1. MFNO operates it own employmenet portal for any refugee family registered with MFNO
    2. This allows tracking of registered families with employers and jobs obtained
    3. This is of great reseach and reporting benefit to many settlement agencies
  5. Aid and Supplies Submission and Management Tracking
    1. Public direction submission of donated items online for pre-viewing
    2. Partners have direct access to items near them for evaluation and scheduling
    3. Pickup or delivery scheduling based on donor choice
    4. Donor tracking of items submitted
    5. Refugee family aid and supplies to them tracking
  6. Resource Archives
    1. Categorize and log important information for your staff and volunteers to access
  7. Reporting
    1. Customizable reports based on type you require (funders, government, etc.)
  8. Continual Improvement
    1. MFNO SMS is developed in a rapid change environment meaning customization requests can be implemented quickly
    2. Continually adapting and growing to meet ever changing needs and challenges of our Partners
    3. A partner driven system - mean you as an MFNO partner, have a stake in what comes next and get to participate in stakeholder meetings

Other features and benefits:

  • Designed to be utiliized on a tablet in the field for many field related tasks and to best utilize cellular network speeds
  • Some functions designed for phones


Mentor Family Network Organization (MFNO). A federally registered charitable organization (732632203 RR0001) whose team is dedicated to providing aid and assistance and settlement services for refugees and those seeking asylum in Canada.

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