Qualified, Safe, Temporary Accommodation and Hosting Registry

MFNO will qualify and profile temporary accommodations being offered by corporate and individual owners. Hosting can include your assistance or mentors can assist the family through to becoming independent. Knowing the family language is not required. Families can range from less than 30 days up to 60 to be able to establish themselves and we are there to assist every step of the way. 

Hosting or Accommodation Only Registering

MFNO strives to ensure safe and qualified temporary accommodations in Canada. Here are some of the factors to consider BEFORE beginning the process to ensure you qualify.

Your accommodation CAN NOT be registered if:

  • You rent and are not the owner
  • Your accommodation is outside of Canada
  • Your accommodation does not meet building codes
  • You or anyone in your accommodation has a criminal record or will not pass a vulnerable person police check
  • Your accommodation is not clean and healthy to live in

You CAN register your accommodation if:

  1. You and anyone in your unit submits a vulnerable persons police screening check
  2. You are prepared to accept temporary refugees for a minimum of 3 months in your accommodation
  3. You can demonstrate you have the means and capacity to donate the accommodation
  4. You are prepared to include an employment letter and references (some exceptions can apply)
  5. You are prepared to go through the MFNO assessment process which includes an interview and review of your accommodation (including photographing it).

MFNO has this process in place for both the refugee family's security and safety, as well as yours. MFNO's placement process attempts to closely match the needs of the refugee family to the correct accommodation and host capabilities. MFNO offers support, monitoring and continual assistance through this process and during occupancy as part of our supportive service offering.

Please proceed to start the process and register your accommodation by clicking the button above. Registration is non-committal up until both parties agree to proceed with a refugee family placement.


Mentor Family Network Organization (MFNO). A federally registered charitable organization (732632203 RR0001) whose team is dedicated to providing aid and assistance and settlement services for refugees and those seeking asylum in Canada. 



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